The Core Economic Video Competition: ESK pupils set a milestone worldwide!

Students from our 7th Year Economics groups competed in an international video competition run by The CORE Project (University College London) in partnership with The Financial Times Newspaper. Students were required to produce a three minute video that expressed their opinion of the theme,

“Ten years on from the Global Financial Crisis”.

We had many extremely good entries, a few of which are linked below. Of all the entries from around the world, two of our students Ellen and Maria’s video was chosen as the overall winning entry – this was an amazing achievement, given that the competition was worldwide, and the students had to complete their entry in their L2 language.

Many congratulations goes to all the students who entered, as the challenge was considerable, given that many of the areas discussed in their entries are topics yet to be learnt. Both Maria and Ellen are now £500 better off financially, as well as having the additional knowledge they gained in making the video.

To visit the Core Project website, please click here

Congratulations to all pupils involved! Please click here to watch the Winner video

More information below:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4