Welcome to the Secondary

Pupils normally enter the secondary school following the successful completion of the European School’s primary course or an equivalent course duly certified by a school of a Member state or another officially recognised school.

The seven-year secondary level consists of three cycles. The observatory cycle (years 1-3), the pre-orientation cycle (year 4-5) and the orientation cycle (year 6-7)

The European Baccalaureate certifies, at the end of secondary year 7, the completion of studies in the European Schools and accredited European schools. Only students who have received European schooling and education in secondary years 6 and 7 in either a European School or a school that has been expressly accredited by the Board of Governors are allowed to enter for the European Baccalaureate.

The certificate awarded to students who have passed the European Baccalaureate examination is recognised in all EU countries and in a number of other countries. European Baccalaureate-holders enjoy in their respective countries the same rights and benefits as holders of the diploma or certificate awarded at the end of secondary education in those countries. They also have the same rights as nationals with equivalent qualifications when seeking admission to universities or higher education institutions in all EU countries.

The future of our pupils is important to us!

  • - 3 main language sections: German, English, French and almost all EU languages
  • - Language teaching by qualified native speakers to encourage enthusiasm for other languages.
  • - 10 hectares large, the well-equipped ESK campus with numerous outdoor facilities, sports facilities and a canteen create a pleasant atmosphere.
  • - Each student has his own timetable
  • - Educational counselor with guidance in the study choice
  • - On-site learning support
  • - School trips abroad, exchange of students & exchange semester possible
  • - ESK graduates receive an internationally recognised qualification, the European Baccalaureate
  • - Worldwide opportunities to study

What's going on in the secondary section

Our latest project

Une journée européenne dans la classe de P2F L1 et L2

Dans la matinée, la classe de S3Fr a préparé des jeux adaptés aux élèves de P2 Fr. En jouant, les enfants ont découvert des monuments, des plat...

Read more

How to enroll?

Interested in enrolling your child at the European School ?

Upcoming dates

Online Information Evening / Online Infoabend / Soirée d’information en ligne
Open day / Tag der offenen Tür/ Journée portes ouvertes