Viaje a Valencia/ Valencia : Sunday & Monday

On Sunday the 22nd of September our class, 6OS, embarked on a truly memorable school trip to Valencia. It all began with everyone having to meet at Frankfurt airport on Sunday at around 2 in the afternoon. Once everyone had arrived at the Frankfurt Airport, we got our boarding passes, dropped off our luggage and went through security.

At around 4pm we flew with a Lufthansa Boeing 737 to the Airport in Valencia. The flight was around two and a half hours long, but felt much quicker, as everyone was extremely excited and was talking to each other.

We arrived in Valencia at around 6:30 in the afternoon, which allowed us to witness a beautiful sunset from the plane. Shortly after our arrival, we hopped on a tram, which took us almost straight to the hostel.

Once we got to the hostel, everyone divided themselves up into their respective rooms. The boys had 3 rooms for 6 people, while the girls had 2 rooms for 4 people and one for 10 people. The rooms were quite diverse; there were some rooms which were quite big and some which were quite small. For the first hour or so, everyone in the hostel just chilled and relaxed after a long trip.

After this, everyone split up into groups and went out to eat (mostly at fast food restaurants). Although everyone was full of energy, the teachers asked us to be back in the hostel by 11 o’clock.

The next day, everyone was greeted with a nasty surprise, as we had to wake up at around half past 7 in the morning. This was slightly annoying after a long night…

Anyway, after breakfast everyone got into groups once again, and received tasks on exploring the city. For example, we had to photograph specific attractions in Valencia.

These tasks took most of the day and went all the way into the afternoon. Shortly after though, we had another activity planned, where we saw the ‘Street Art’ around Valencia. This was quite interesting, however, according to many of us too long.

For the rest of the day, we got to do whatever we wanted, which was very nice. Everyone went out to eat and explore the city.

Overall, it was a very fun and interesting evening, yet once again quite long…

(by Christian Ispas)


Viaje a Valencia

Fuimos en avión a Valencia la última semana de septiembre; Llegamos un domingo por la tarde, nos alojamos en un hostel justo en el centro y por la noche salimos a cenar por el centro de la ciudad.

Al día siguiente hicimos un juego para conocer la ciudad en grupos y por la tarde un tour de “Street Art” con dos guias muy simpáticos.

El martes nos fuimos a la playa y nos quedamos allí hasta la tarde, jugamos al volleyball y tomamos el sol. Además ese día comimos tortilla de patata (que hicimos juntos en el hostel) y pan con tomate.

El miércoles fuimos al “Museo de las Artes y Ciencias” y el acuario ” Oceanografic”. Era muy interesante, asistimos a un show de delfines y más tarde vimos unos documentales de naturaleza en 3D y 4D.

El jueves visitamos “La Albufera” una reserva natural, hicimos una ruta en bici y luego en barco en un lago (donde están los arrozales), comimos una paella típica y para terminar el día fuimos a la playa. Era un dia muy bonito.

El viernes fuimos de compras, comimos y por la tarde al aeropuerto.

Hizo muy buen tiempo, tuvimos suerte con sol y calor. La comida estaba muy rica! El viaje nos guso a todos, la verdad un recuerdo que nunca se olvidará!.

(por Carol Amin)